Monday, March 29, 2010


“Now, that was reminiscent”
after a somewhat dull conversation
she rang a silver bell to call in her maid
who wore white lace
and had gold linings
the curve was rather attractive
she smelled of tazo tea unpleasantly
perfume was never necessary
“Excuse me, I do not understand
what you are trying to tell me
right there
with that word
I had made her laugh then
I was called a little boy that I never was
no, ma’am, I have never been a little boy
from your mouth the words came
but not once were they true
“You will notice that
if you wrote that word
in cursive
on a grain of sand
(“yes, it has to be a single grain of sand, what are you talking about?”)
that the word is indeed

“I can’t tell you what it will be
of, but it will be
of something”
april air was cold
the kind of a march morning
rubbing earl gray on my goosebumps
and lips
and eyelids
I contributed to the eventual change
that will bring us down
(have you been alerted yet?)
no Alice was there with us as long as I remember
but hell, we had me
and the silver bell
and the maid
so we were more than satisfied
far more than we needed to be.

in that state
(too much)
yes, we were
entropy came
and brought us down.

I was a Buddhist anyway.

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